Dr. Mohan Lal Grero

Dr. Mohan Lal Grero in dark suit with blue tie, seated, gray background.
Founder / Managing Director

Dr. Mohan Lal Grero

The visionary behind Lyceum International Schools, Dr. Mohan Lal Grero has committed most of his life to better the quality of education in Sri Lanka. On the 14th of June 1993, he opened the first Lyceum International School making English medium education affordable and accessible to many Sri Lankans. As an eminent educationist, Dr. Grero has travelled across the globe to learn about different education systems and implemented them back home. He is also a former State Minister of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs and Deputy Minister of Education, a testament to his commitment to education, since then he has acquired a PhD specialising in Education. As the Founder and Managing Director of Lyceum International Schools, he is very involved with the workings of the school and contributes to major decisions.

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