Mr. Chandana Basnayake

Man in a white suit with a red tie, standing against a dark background.
Supervisory Principal

Mr. Chandana Basnayake

Mr. Basnayake is a dynamic and versatile preceptor and a scholar with years of experience in the field of education. Mr. Basnayake has over 17 years of experience in both local and foreign areas of education, serving in the capacity of a Principal for 7 years and over 10 years of service as an English teacher. He has productively infused his prior experiences into his work ethic and practice as an education administrator and a leadership trainer. He joined the Lyceum International Schools Network in the year 2014 as a teacher and is currently serving as the Supervisory Principal of the Lyceum International Schools Network. He is also the Principal of the Lyceum International School branches in Kurunegala, Anuradhapura, Ratnapura and Avissawella. Mr. Basnayake holds a Master’s Degree in Linguistics as well as a BA in English Language from the University of New South Wales. He has a postgraduate diploma in Education from the University of Colombo.

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